
 "Well let's just say I didn't want to go out looking for New Cheese. I thought I had a good reason why change shouldn't happen to mc. So, I was pretty upset at the time."


Some of their former classmates who had been quiet in the beginning felt more comfortable now and spoke up, including Frank, who had gone into the military.


"Hem reminds me of a friend of mine," Frank said. "His department was closing down, but he didn't want to see it. They kept relocating his people. We all tried to talk to him about the many other opportunities that existed in the company for those who wanted to be flexible, but he didn't think he had to change. He was the only one who was surprised when his department closed. Now he's having a hard time adjusting to the change he didn't think should happen."

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "哼哼使我想起了我的一位朋友,"他说:"所有迹象显示他所在的部门将被裁撤,但他不肯面对这个现实。公司为所有人做了重新安排。我们都试图劝说他,只要愿意改变,公司里还有很多其他的机会,但他始终觉得自己没有必要改变。当他所在的部门最终关闭时,他是惟一惊讶得不知所措的人。现在,他正在做出艰难的调整,以适应他认为不该发生的变化。"

Jessica said, "I didn't think it should happen to me either, but my 'Cheese' has been moved more than once." Many in the group laughed, except Nathan.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "Maybe that's the whole point," Nathan said. "Change happens to all of us."

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "也许,这就是关键之处,"内森说:"变化发生在我们每一个人身上。"

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 He added, "I wish my family had heard the Cheese story before this. Unfortunately we didn't want to see the changes coming in our business, and now it's too late -- we're having to close many of our stores."

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 他补充道:"我真希望我的家人以前就听到过这个故事。不幸的是,我们每一个人愿意面对发生在我们家族企业中的变化。现在为时已晚——我们不得不关闭我们的许多家店铺了。"

That surprised many in the group, because they thought Nathan was lucky to be in a secure business he could depend on, year after year.


"What happened?" Jessica wanted to know.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "Our chain of small stores suddenly became old fashioned when the mega-store came to town with its huge inventory and low prices. We just couldn't compete with that."


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 "I can see now that instead of being like Sniff and Scurry, we were like Hem. We stayed where we were and didn't change. We tried to ignore what was happening and now we are in trouble. We could have taken a couple of lessons from Haw -because we certainly couldn't laugh at ourselves and change what we were doing."


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Laura, who had become a successful businesswoman, had been listening, but had said very little until now. "I thought about the story this afternoon too," she said. "I wondered how I could be more like Haw and see what I'm doing wrong -- laugh at myself, change, and do better." Then she asked, "I'm curious. How many here are afraid of change?" No one responded, so she suggested, "How about a show of hands?"


Only one hand went up. "Well, it looks like we've got one honest person in our group!" she said, and then continued, "Maybe you'll like this next question better. How many here think other people are afraid of change?" Practically everyone raised their hands. Then they all started laughing.
