
上海龙凤shlf最新地址Of course I know that from one point of view things will be made more difficult for me than for others; must indeed, by the very nature of the case, be made so. The poor thieves and outcasts who are imprisoned here with me are in many respects more fortunate than I am. The little way in grey city or green field that saw their sin is small[79a]: to find those who know nothing of what they have done they need go no further than a bird might fly between the twilight before dawn and dawn itself: but for me “the world is shrivelled to a handsbreadth[79b],” [79.1] and everywhere I turn my name is written on the rocks in lead. For I have come, not from obscurity into the momentary notoriety of crime, but from a sort of eternity of fame to a sort of eternity of infamy[79c], and sometimes seem to myself to have shown, if indeed it required showing, that between the famous and the infamous there is but one step, if so much as one. 

当然,我知道以某个观点看,事情对我要比对其他人更困难;从案情的性质看,肯定要更困难的。同我关在一起的那些个苦命的盗贼流浪汉,在好多方面都要比我幸运。不管是在灰色的城市还是在绿色的乡村,他们犯罪毕竟是在小街小巷小地方[79a];要找个人们对他们干下的事毫不知情的去处,简直用不着走出小鸟在破晓与黎明之间能飞过的距离。但是对于我, “世界缩得只有巴掌大[[79b]”,不管去哪儿,都看到铅铸石雕般地写着我的名字。因为我不是从藉藉无闻跃入一时的罪名昭彰,而是从一种永恒的荣耀跌进一种永恒的耻辱[79c]。我自己有时觉得这似乎说明了,如果真还用得着说明,名闻遐迩与臭名昭着不过是一步之遥,要是真还有一步远的话。