
And to all this has been added[60a] the hard, small fact that by your actions and by you silence, by what you have done and by what you have left undone, you have made every day of my long imprisonment still more difficult for me to live through. The very bread and water of prison fare you have by your conduct changed[60b]. You have rendered the one bitter and the other brackish to me. The sorrow you should have shared you have doubled, the pain you should have sought to lighten you have quickened to anguish[60c]. I have no doubt that you did not mean to do so. I know that you did not mean to do so. It was simply that “one really fatal defect of your character, your entire lack of imagination.” 

而百上加斤的是[60a]这一不大但不可否认的事实:你的行为、你的沉默、你所做的和没来得及做的一切,使我漫长的牢狱之苦更变得度日如年了。就是狱中的饭食饮水,也因为你的所作所为而变味了[60b]。你让我的饭变苦让我的水变涩。本该与我分担的伤悲你却令它倍增其悲;本该为我排遣的痛苦你却使它苦上加苦[60c]。我毫不怀疑你并非有意。我知道你并非有意。这只不过是 “你性格上唯一真正致命的缺点,你的毫无想象力”而已。